Watch Evan Bonner work with a wild mustang. Watch the taming process and learn the first crucial steps on how to make first contact, gain trust, build confidence and start a relationship with a horse taken from the wild. Evan uses no gimmicks, no mechanics and no shortcuts.
In the afternoon Evan will be offering a riding clinics where you can learn how to be a better leader for your horse on the ground and in the saddle. Evan teaches traditional Vaquero style methods and Evan will teach you how to develop a rock solid foundation for any possible endevour you make pursue with your horse.
Day 1-4 AM Wild Mustang Demo
Day 1-2 PM Foundation Horsemanship - Groundwork preparation, Basic Riding Dynamics/Safety in the Saddle.
Day 3-4 PM Horsemanship 1 - Ranch horsemanship, Preventing Common Problems on the ground and in the saddle.
Contact Bruce Stover to sign up as a participant
Visit for more info on the venue.